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Midea Breezeless

Installation Services

Holiday Lodges


Air Conditioning

Featuring Reverse-Cycle Technology

If you thought air conditioners were just for cooling then think again, because modern "Air-to-Air" heat pump systems now include reverse-cycle technology that produces exceptionally low cost heating as well.

Compared to conventional electric and LPG alternatives, air-source heat pumps are ideal for mobile homes as they offer an affordable "all-in-one" solution that provides heating, cooling, humidity control and air filtration all year round.


Conventional Heating

Comparing running costs

Gas central heating is widely recognised to be the cheapest form of domestic heating, regardless of the initial installation and ongoing maintenance costs, where the average unit price for gas in the UK is just 3.8p per kW/h.

In comparison, electric panel heaters, convectors and oil-filled radiators are a popular choice because they are relatively inexpensive to buy, cheaper to install and require no ongoing maintenance. The only downside is they rely on peak-time electricity that has an average cost of 14.37p per kW/h.


Night storage heaters are still considered to be the cheapest form of electric heating because they use Economy 7 Off-peak electricity, which costs around 50% less than the regular Peak-time tariff. However, whilst in principle they should be cheaper to run, they actually require double the input to achieve the output required.

For example, a night storage heater with an output rating of 1.5kw actually has an input requirement of 3.3kw to pre-charge the energy cells inside with enough stored heat to meet the output requirements that day.

Air Conditioning

Comfort, control and reduced energy bills

At best, a 100% efficient electric radiator can produce 1kw of heat energy using 1kw of electricity, whereas an air conditioner using heat pump technology can produce around 4.8kw of heat energy using the same amount of electricity.

Let's imagine you have a garden office that requires 2kw of heat energy per hour to maintain a set temperature for 6 hours a day, for 20 working days per month. The cost of using an electric panel heater would be £1.72 per day, averaging £34.40 per month during an normal UK heating season.

In comparison, a mini-split air conditioner with heat pump technology would cost less than 10p per hour, so in the worst case scenario it might cost £12.00 a month, saving you £22.40 per month in running costs.

Of course, the other advantage over gas and conventional electric heating is that a a mini-split ASHP system can be used for both heating and cooling, so you would have full control over your office temperature all year round.


Professional Installations

F-Gas Registered

Speedyfit installations are carried out by fully qualified F-Gas engineers with up to 30 years experience working with refrigeration and air conditioning products from small mini-split systems to large VRF systems.

Using only the highest quality components, each system is sympathetically installed so pipework and cabling remains invisible wherever possible using a combination of recessing techniques for inside and UV stabilised colour blended ductwork externally.

Every system we install is commissioned beyond legislative guidelines to achieve maximum performance, efficiency and long term durability.

...quality installs without compromise

Built-in WiFI Control

Control & Monitoring

From Any Location

Understanding the specific requirements of existing customers has been key to designing aircon installation packages that include remote monitoring and control for residential owners and seasonal occupiers.

In the knowledge that static homes and lodges are often left unoccupied at different times throughout the year has inspired us to include WIFI as a standard feature on our entire range of heat pump installation packages.

With WIFI control our customers can monitor and adjust temperature settings via their smartphone or tablet when holiday guests have departed, set frost protection mode during cold spells and program their ideal heating and cooling requirements to coincide with their next arrival date.


5 Year Warranty

Parts & Labour

Speedyfit offers a 5-Year warranty on all installed systems to provide peace of mind and the reassurance of knowing we have full confidence in the systems we supply.

Warranties are subject to having your system professionally maintained on an annual basis, assuming light maintenance can be carried out on a quarterly basis by owners/occupiers. In the same that you service a car, air conditioning systems require annual maintenance to ensure they are performing efficiently.

Maintenance charges vary between £80-120 depending on the brand and size of your installed system, however there is no charge for your first maintenance visit....courtesy of Speedyfit.

...first year Free Maintenance

Choosing Your System


Our air conditioning heat pump systems have been categorised into 4 groups based on their nominal output rating:-

  • 2.5kW
  • 3.5kW
  • 5.0kW
  • 7.0kW

If you are unsure of the size you need you can use our handy size calculator to find the minimum number of watts required to comfortably heat & cool your room area. When you have calculated the minimum number of kilowatts required simply select an Output category that has a higher kilowatt rating to compare the performance, efficiency and features for each system available in that size.

Remember, the output in kilowatts refers to the amount of heat energy each system can produce and not the amount of electricity it consumes to produce it. As a general rule of thumb for UK systems, a good air conditioning heat pump system will only consume 200-300w of electricity for every 1000watts (1kW) of heat energy it produces.


2.5kW Systems

3.5kW Systems

5kW Systems

7kW Systems

Customer Support

7-Day Helpline

Pre-sales & Technical Support

Speedyfit is open 7 days a week to assist with pre-sales enquiries, technical support and project quotations. For prompt assistance simply give us a call, send a text or email us using our contact details below.

Contact Details

Landline: 01905-672655  Mobile & Text: 07483-830168


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am to 8pm

Sat - Sun: 9am to 5pm


Call 07483-830168 any time between 8am and 10pm .

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